Sunday, August 8, 2010

How many ways can you cook a chicken breast?

I lied. I wasn't back "sooner than later." I have an excuse. I'm getting married! Since Chef Boyar-Reid and I have gotten engaged, lots has happened. Life, you might say, has happened. Our big day is December 18th. We can't wait! I can't believe that it is already August.

Another development is our decision to build a house. YAY! We are super excited but now suddenly feel loads of our disposable income is no longer "disposable." It is making it's way into our savings accounts. Which brings me to my post today.

Did you know that you can get chicken breasts for $1.99/pound? Fresh, all natural chicken breasts. This equates to filling meals all at relatively low costs. Which finally means, more left over to feed the pig. Who doesn't want that in this economy anyway?!

So... since we've been cooking so much chicken lately, I've had to get creative so as not to be bored to tears with it. Not to mention, Chef Boyar-Reid has always been a beef eater. Creative chicken recipes are a necessity!

My next few posts will likely be about chicken and my creative chicken recipes. Here's one of our recent favorites...

Parmesan Crusted Lemon Chicken

1. Get a couple of bowls or pie pans out. Fill one with a couple of beaten eggs to use as an "egg wash." Fill the other with grated parmesan cheese, a little bit of garlic powder, a little bit of flour, and a very small amount of cayenne or chili powder. Make sure to mix these ingredients together.

*Tip: Do not use garlic salt in the mixture and do not preseason your chicken breasts with salt. Parmesan cheese is very salty on it's own, and preseasoning with salt will result in something that will taste way too salty.

2. Preheat a cast iron pan with olive oil. Use regular olive oil if possible. It has a higher burn point.

3. Dip the chicken breasts in the egg wash. Make sure all sides are covered. The egg wash will help the parmesan mixture to stick.

4. Dredge the chicken breasts in the parmesan mixture making sure to cover all sides.

5. Take the chicken breasts and put them in the hot pan. Sear the chicken breasts on each side for about 5 minutes per side.

6. Keep a lid over the chicken. It will keep steam in making the chicken cook more quickly and stay more moist and juicy.

7. Throughout the cooking process, open the lid and squeeze lemon juice into the pan. This will infuse the lemony flavor and help keep the chicken moist.

8. Once cooked, serve with steamed veggies or a salad and some wild rice.

More chicken ideas to come...

Bon appetit!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Welcome back soon to be Mrs Chef Boyar-Reid!! I am looking forward to lots of good chicken inspiration. Stephen loves eating chicken and I get bored with it, so this is perfect!
